
  1. 如何确定亲人是否往生
  2. 既然讲念佛往生,为何有人只是听到佛号还没念出来,也能往生
  3. 怎样增强学佛念佛的信心
  4. 如何根本的改善社会物欲之风?
  5. 如何构建和谐社会的正能量
  6. 求福报与求解脱是否矛盾
  7. 为何定善比散善殊胜
  8. 如何平衡生活与念佛?
  9. 念佛灭罪与因果矛盾吗?
  10. 受苦便能消业吗?
  11. 虽念佛仍然贪瞋重,是否没有机法深信?
  12. 念佛人福德具足,为何会福报不够
  13. 为什麽有时念佛不如念别的经咒有效
  14. 念佛了,为什麽大部分时间高兴不起来?
  15. 名号自然具足三心,为什麽有人念佛却没有往生?
  16. 为什麽经中说还有世界比极乐世界更殊胜
  17. 如何面对临终的孤独
  18. 为什麽我们往生称为「回家」?
  19. 如何看待往生咒?
  20. 极乐世界也是缘起空性吗?
  21. 如何理解「别人是自己的镜子」
  22. 《大经》「五德瑞现」文略解
  23. 念佛是有为法还是无为法
  24. 只要愿往生不称名也能往生吗?
  25. 机法深信应侧重从机还是从法来入手
  26. 善导大师有提倡「睡前发愿见佛文」吗?
  27. 身体不柔软也能往生是否有违触光柔软的经文
  28. 临终往生不往生之确证
  29. 念佛人怎样积极利世
  30. 适应无常的秘诀
  31. 在世间生活很迷茫压力大,该如何面对
  32. 一个寺院的带头人如何让寺院正行兴盛
  33. 六道轮回是否实有存在?
  34. 怎麽看待佛系人生?
  35. 极乐报土与实报庄严土是一回事吗?
  36. 往生极乐世界再来还要还报吗?
  37. 佛弟子如何过农历新年?
  38. 信心深浅不一样,念佛功德是不是一样?
  39. 应该怎麽用弥陀的慈悲来对治诽谤正法之人?
  40. 五种正行任修一种都能往生吗?
  41. 净土法门如何看待阿弥陀佛心咒
  42. 为什麽他人念佛灵,我念佛祈求就不灵
  43. 为何一句阿弥陀佛包含一切诸佛
  44. 怎样在这个娑婆世间获得真实的快乐
  45. 什麽是功德、福德?能否互换
  46. 如何理解「佛有三不能」
  47. 念佛能否转换现世因果
  48. 为何念佛自然可以得到世间福报
  49. 至诚念佛与佛愿感应道交
  50. 富贵贫贱也是因果报应吗?
  51. 念佛人如何人众场合不加入闲话
  52. 次如泥洹
  53. 念佛每天一声与一万声的区别
  54. 如何保持愿生心不退直到临终
  55. 临终助念忏悔灭罪往生
  56. 为什麽天天念佛,还会生病
  57. 念佛念睡着了没回向,有用吗
  58. 平时具足信愿只念十声佛,临终是否也能蒙佛接引
  59. 如何对大乘佛法生起信心
  60. 怎样才算老实念佛?
  61. 十念往生是别时意吗?
  62. 杂行、三心与报土的关系
  63. 佛教认为女性卑劣吗
  64. 既然不问罪福,为何又说地狱门前僧道多
  65. 只要信了就不必多念佛吗?
  66. 多伦多大学讲法现场答疑(中英对照)
  67. 施食就念佛号可以吗?
  68. 为乐愿生,能不能往生
  69. 众生念佛平等之问
  70. 「念佛往生的前提是求生心切?」
  71. 怀孕时念佛、听经
  72. 人真的有命运吗?
  73. 念佛只会变好,不会变坏
  74. 善导大师为何以《观经》开宗?
  75. 净土答问
  76. 有关「藏传净土法」之答问
  77. 宗祖初祖之问
  78. 答莲友二问
  79. 净土宗经释问答
  80. 佛堂应该怎样布置?
  81. 念佛人应该怎样对待妄想杂念?
  82. 於「弘愿寺」答莲友问
  83. 答王子九问
  84. 「念佛」与「忏悔」 ——兼答观生莲友问
  85. 论「三福」与「念佛」 ——兼答观生莲友问
  86. 答「功课、吃素」等问
  87. 答「错写牌位」等三问
  88. 答「为他念佛」等五问
  89. 答某人举某大德有关本愿之疑难
  90. 一向专称与诸行回向
  91. 《观经疏》二处眼目问答
  92. 「愿生」与「往生」义
  93. 答莲友「报土化土」之问(一)
  94. 关於三生果遂
  95. 是消业还是带业往生?
  96. 往生净土品位之事
  97. 答莲友问(一)
  98. 金州念佛问答
  99. 王佛臣佛问答
  100. 十念记数问答
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The Deliverance of Amitabha Buddha – On-site Q&A

The Deliverance of Amitabha Buddha


By Master Jingzong


Questions and Answers


一、 「南无阿弥陀佛」是什麽意思?

 What does "Namo Amitabha Buddha" mean?


  A: "Namo Amitabha Buddha" is a Sanskrit transliteration. It comprises three words – "Namo," "Amitabha," and "Buddha." "Namo" means that I entrust my life. "Amitabha" is infinite light and infinite life. "Buddha" is the awakened one. Together it means I entrust my life to the awakened one who has infinite light and infinite life.



  "Infinite light and life" is the existing form of the truth itself. The truth is universally equal and constant. It can exterminate darkness and falsehood, guide people with light, and give sentient beings enlightened lives. Amitabha Buddha is of the same body as the truth. He also manifests the truth, which is too abstruse for sentient beings, in his Buddha name. So his name is the embodiment of the truth. It is a symbol and manifestation of the truth. It represents the truth itself. To recite "Namo Amitabha Buddha" is to entrust our lives to the truth, to touch the truth, to accept the guidance given by the light of the truth, and to obtain an awakened life abiding in the truth. These are the functions and benefits that derive spontaneously from Amitabha's making of vows in the causal ground and his attainment of Buddhahood in the achievement ground.


二、 我们要怎样获得阿弥陀佛的救度?靠自己的善行吗?

How can we receive Amitabha Buddha's deliverance? Should we rely on our own virtuous deeds?


  A: We only need to have faith in and accept Amitabha's deliverance, single-mindedly recite "Namo Amitabha Buddha," and aspire to rebirth in the Land of Bliss. Then we'll surely be delivered there. Virtuous deeds of sentient beings are praiseworthy, but by relying on our good deeds we can only be reborn as a human or celestial being. We would remain within the cycle of rebirth. It's absolutely impossible to be reborn in Amitabha's Pure Land. This is because no matter how diligent we perform virtuous actions, we are always perplexed and impure, afflicted by attachment to self, and ignorant of the truth. As sentient beings remain in falsehood and delusion, their virtuous deeds have merit in this world only, and are totally incompatible with the Land of Bliss – a realm of absolute truth. Such deeds are insubstantial, toxic virtuousness.


三、不论众生善恶 ,只要称念「南无阿弥陀佛」就必定往生净土,众生会不会因此而放纵造罪呢?

Whether they are good or evil, those who recite "Namo Amitabha Buddha" will assuredly be reborn in the Pure Land. Will sentient beings therefore indulge in vices and commit wrongdoings?


  A: No. Because first, Buddhism generally encourages us to forsake evil and do good. Second, the recitation of "Namo Amitabha Buddha" can convert the unwholesome into the wholesome, like light dispersing the darkness. Anyone who is unable to accept the guidance of the truth simply goes further and further down the path of negative karma.



Reciting "Namo Amitabha Buddha" provides so much merit and benefit in the present and future lives. Long-deceased ancestors as well as animals and hell beings can be reborn in the Pure Land. That is incredible. Are there any supporting facts?


  A: There are many ancient and modern examples throughout the world. China and Japan have collected many cases of people, animals, ghosts and hell-beings attaining rebirth in the Pure Land. They are recorded as "Rebirth Biographies." Truth must withstand the test of facts. Without factual evidence, Buddhism would be false and deceptive. In China, Pure Land followers account for the great majority of Buddhists. They mostly acquire strong faith not from an understanding of the profound philosophy of the Dharma, but because of their personal experience of benefits from name-recitation. Since modern media are well developed, there are many reports of rebirth through recitation and benefits for the present lifetime. I've personally experienced many cases. Hongyuan Monastery has published seven volumes of Records of the Effects of Amitabha-Recitation, and one volume of The Rebirth of Animals in Buddha-Realms.



Weren't animals created by God for humans to eat?


  A: That's completely mistaken. It is indeed a typical indication of humans' self-centeredness and excessive slaughter of other species, and has caused great harm to the world and mankind. From the Buddhist perspective, all sentient beings have Buddha-nature. They take various life forms because they suffered delusion and created different karma. But in their Buddha-natured lives, they are entirely equal. They all have the opportunity to attain Buddhahood. The viewpoint that humankind is superior and may casually command or kill other lives is not tenable in terms of fact, morality and benevolence.



What is the difference between Amitabha's deliverance and God's salvation?


  A: Any kind of salvation is precious and moving. In brief, there are ten differences between the two.



Different spaces. God's salvation is limited to the Earth. Amitabha's deliverance permeates all worlds of the ten directions.



Different time frames. God's salvation is subject to a deadline – the last judgment. Amitabha's deliverance continues through the indefinite future. 



Different scope. God's salvation is directed only at humans. Amitabha's deliverance embraces all sentient beings of the Six Realms – deities, humans, asuras, hell beings, hungry ghosts and animals.


4. 机率不同。上帝救赎,一人只有一次机会;弥陀救度,人人都有无数次机会,即使今生不得度,下入三恶道,弥陀仍然随逐不舍施以救拔,或令再度转生为人而得度。上帝救赎不完全,必定有一部分人永陷火狱,不得救度;弥陀救度则即使造罪已入地狱众生,也誓必一个不漏地加以救度,故从无穷时劫来看,任何众生皆有百分之百机率被救往极乐净土。

Different probabilities. With God's salvation, each person has only one chance. In Amitabha's deliverance, there are countless opportunities for everyone. Even if one is not delivered in the present lifetime and falls into the Three Wretched Realms, Amitabha Buddha will always follow and rescue him, or have him be reborn as a human to attain deliverance. God's salvation is incomplete. Some people will fall into the hellfire forever – beyond salvation. But Amitabha delivers all beings without exception, even if they are already in hell because of karmic offenses. So from the viewpoint of infinite time, every sentient being has a 100% chance of deliverance to the Land of Bliss.


5. 角色不同。上帝既是救赎者又是审判者;阿弥陀佛纯是救度者,不是审判者,慈悲哀愍众生造罪受苦,越是罪苦,越加救度,乃至永陷阿鼻地狱众生也誓必救度。

Different roles. God is a savior as well as a judge. Amitabha Buddha is purely a deliverer, not a judging authority. He compassionately sympathizes with sentient beings who suffer from negative karma. The more negative karma and suffering a person has, the more Amitabha Buddha tries to deliver her. He pledges even to deliver all beings who sink into Avici Hell for an incalculable time.  


6. 难易不同。上帝救赎单一强调信,似乎缺少具体明确简易的手段,有人信不来或信心无法坚持,便不得其门而入;弥陀救度可以随时随地称念「南无阿弥陀佛」,方便简易,令愚痴众生不论懂与不懂,信与不信,信深信浅都能与阿弥陀佛对接沟通,蒙受阿弥陀佛光照保护。

Different levels of difficulty. God's salvation stresses faith only, and seems to lack specific, clear and easy means. Anyone who has no such faith or fails to adhere to the faith will not cross its threshold. With Amitabha's deliverance, we can recite "Namo Amitabha Buddha" at any time, in any place. Recitation is convenient and easy. It enables ignorant sentient beings to interface and communicate with Amitabha Buddha and enjoy the protection of his light, regardless of whether they understand and believe the teaching, or whether their faith is deep or superficial. 

7. 利益不同。上帝救人生天,并未能与真理完全同体,因受造物与造物主永远不能平等;弥陀救度众生往生极乐则皆平等成佛,与真理究竟一体,无二无别,是绝对平等的真理境界。

Different benefits. God saves people to heaven. That realm is not of the same body as the truth, because the creatures can never be equal with the Creator. Sentient beings delivered to the Land of Bliss by Amitabha Buddha all become Buddhas on an equal basis. Ultimately, they are of the same entity as the truth, undifferentiated from it. It's the truth realm of absolute equality.


8. 慈悲不同。如上可知,上帝救赎,慈悲小而有限;弥陀救度,慈悲大而无限。

Different compassions. From the foregoing, God's salvation reflects a relatively limited benevolence, while Amitabha's deliverance is motivated by his great, infinite compassion.


9. 理论不同。上帝救赎以创世论为基础,即上帝创世造人,而人违背上帝意旨造罪,上帝爱其造物故予救赎。弥陀救度以佛性及缘起论为基础,即一切众生皆有佛性,佛性清净平等,一体不二,为真理本体,无造无被造。众生迷此佛性,自己颠倒造罪,因而受苦受难;诸佛菩萨觉悟此佛性得大解脱自在,怜愍众生迷惑颠倒造罪受苦,自然流露平等大慈悲心而欲救拔。

Different underlying principles. God's salvation is based on creationism. God created the world and mankind; human beings violated his will and committed sins; he loves his creation, so he saves them. Amitabha's deliverance is based on Buddha-nature and the Law of Dependent Origination. All sentient beings have Buddha-nature; Buddha-nature is pure, equal, and of one, undivided unity. It's truth itself. There is no creator or creature. Sentient beings are ignorant of their Buddha-nature, so they create negative karma and suffer hardship and calamities. The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are awake to their Buddha-nature and therefore attain liberation and freedom. They have pity on us for our delusion, negative conduct and suffering, and spontaneously reveal equal, vast compassion, longing to deliver us.


10. 觉悟不同。如果说「爱即真理」,则爱的深度广度取决於对真理觉悟的深浅。二相对比,很显然有神宗教所宣称上帝(主、神)的爱与阿弥陀佛的慈悲究竟不能相比,说明其对真理的觉悟有限,如雾中观花,含有臆测的成份,难以经受合理的质疑,非如佛教,由大彻大悟,起大慈大悲,其理与事皆经得起任何质疑。

Different realizations. If we say, "Love is truth," the depth and breadth of love depend on the extent to which the truth is realized. It is clear that the love of God (Lord, divinities) in theistic religions is not comparable with Amitabha's compassion. The former's limited realization of the truth results in conjectural perceptions, like admiring flowers in the mist. Their doctrines can hardly stand reasonable challenge. By contrast, the great awakening in Buddhism can generate infinite compassion. Its principles and actions can both stand questioning.



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